Victory Heights Primary School
Victory Heights Primary School
Victory Heights Primary School

Principal's Welcome

A very warm welcome to Victory Heights Primary School, a leading British curriculum primary school in Dubai!

We are so very proud of our school, which is a bright and happy learning hub at the heart of the Dubai Sports City community. In an ever-competitive market here in Dubai, VHPS is a unique school that is wholeheartedly committed to investing in our children and families. Our vision to ‘Nurture, Challenge and Excel’ has led to outstanding academic progress, a varied and creative curriculum, and children who develop into confident and well-rounded individuals. Our children clearly love learning and come bounding through the gates every morning ready for new and exciting challenges, alongside our highly-qualified and dedicated teaching staff. They all get places into top Secondary Schools in Dubai due to our reputation and transition support.

For me personally, it has been a dream come true to set up and lead a new school from its inception. We are 12 years old this year and we sincerely thank all the staff and families, past and present, who have believed in us. Rearing a school from sand to stardust has been an experience. We have a sign at our reception that says, "Forgive the mess, we are making memories!". Our home away from home, our relatable community, and our bread-and-butter values and philosophy have made us who we are today. As a result of our ambitious, professional staff, we have been able to implement the values that we feel are important in primary education, whilst simultaneously embracing the UAE National Agenda Vision 2021, which has enabled us to reach for the highest standards - providing a truly world-class education.

This year we are centred around GROWTH - Growth mindset, Growth of opportunities, and expansion.

We are heavily invested in community and the importance of belonging. The power of positivity for our children to hold in their hearts and minds is a value that resonates throughout every activity. Our "why" is to give our young souls the strength to contribute and to make a difference in the choices that their generation will make. For the quiet, the expressive, the creative, and the analytical characters, VHPS Dubai nurtures eclectic personalities guiding individuals to form groups, teams, villages, towns, countries, and nations for now then, and evermore. Our school’s vibrant atmosphere, enriched by the multicultural background of our students and staff, makes us one of the leading primary school in Dubai.

Through our SMART targets and international benchmarking, we reflect, review, and react. By being creative in our approach to learning, we have been able to be part of the explosive growth in the educational sector here in Dubai, but in a way we feel is sustainable. In the spirit of unity and excellence, we are focused on being a nurturing and inclusive school, where children with a wide range of interests and needs are given the platform that they need to succeed in learning. The inclusive provision for all of our learners is at the forefront of what we do, regardless of experiences. Victory Heights Primary School develops all of our determined students. Modification of learning strategies and approaches enables us to help children to be the best that they can be. This resonates in our school song and is a clear goal for us all. Our more able learners are challenged, and our rigorous pupil progress tracking ensures that potential and possibilities are nurtured, challenged, and ultimately excel.

Our commitment to an innovative curriculum and investments in the planning of UAE social studies is regularly woven into art projects, house events, and knowledge organizers. Our staff are role models to our children, who have manners, passion for life, and are lifelong learners. We use AI and technology with purpose. Our key investment is in Oracy Skills this is extremely important to us. We want all our children to be debaters and listeners, to express themselves and have interesting conversations, to tell stories of experiences, adventures, and hope, using humour and expression. We want all our children to be rich in vocabulary so that they can solve problems through discussions.

Victory Heights Primary School is delighted with our BSO and DSIB Outstanding reports. This is a testament to our authentic culture to remain child-focused in everything that we do. During our visit, Education Development Trust compared BSO standards to every aspect of life at VHPS. The feedback in all areas has given us the confidence to continue to believe in our sharp, smart values and beam about our “Centre of Excellence“. Click here to read the BSO report and here to read the DSIB report. We are also proud to be in the top 10 schools in UAE by achieving Outstanding in Well-being, Inclusion, and Overall across the whole school.

We look forward to enjoying many memorable moments this year and relishing the awe and wonder that blossoms from working alongside children. We pride ourselves on being the happiest school in Dubai, and we welcome you to visit us and see for yourself!

If you are interested in being part of a grounded Primary experience of excellence and holistic education do get in touch.

Sasha Crabb - Principal